The Sapsuckers

Smouse in the House Podcast:

Season 1, Episode 1

Nikki Grossman & Joe Hart of The Sapsuckers. Photo by Tom Smouse, 2021.

It's always interesting meeting a band after you've listened to all of their music. Perceptions shift and so many dots get connected in learning about the style and process of songwriting. For me, The Sapsuckers exemplify the longstanding traditions of Americana music. They understand the dynamics in the genre, are able to classify the type of song on first listen, and constantly honor old-timey elements in their production techniques. In this first episode of season one, Tom Smouse's first discussion revealed all of this in the thoughtful answers and throwbacks to their influences.

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Hosted by Tom Smouse

Produced & Edited by Carol Roth

Web Design by Jaclyn Nott

Photography by Tom Smouse

Intro/Outro Music by Ellkaye (aka Lila Karash)

Intro/Outro Voiceover: Jaclyn Nott & Tom Smouse

Tom Smouse. Photo credit: Chris Taylor

Tom Smouse is an innovative collaborator with 20 years of experience in the Minnesota music industry. As a professional photographer, podcaster, and music journalist, sharing stories from the community remains his core passion. When not at a show you can find him at a record store.

Tom Smouse

Tom Smouse is an innovative collaborator with 20 years of experience in the Minnesota music industry. As a professional photographer, podcaster, and music journalist, sharing stories from the community remains his core passion. When not at a show you can find him at a record store.

Becky Kapell