About That Song: Brent Fuqua

About That Song #71

In our special series, singer-songwriter Sarah Morris interviews artists about the songs that shaped them.

Hi! I’m Sarah Morris. I’m wildly in love with songs and the people who write them. There have been a few songs in my life that have been total gamechangers—songs that made me want to be a songwriter and songs I’ve written that made me feel like I am a songwriter. About That Song is a space where I can learn more about those pivotal songs in other writers’ lives.

In the 71st installment of this series, I was excited to chat with Brent Fuqua, a Minnesota singer-songwriter who supports many other musicians with his phenomenal mandolin playing! He’s now returning to his own songwriting and is working on his fourth studio album, which he just released a single from, as well as marking the 15-year anniversary of his last album by releasing it to streaming platforms on March 14.

Brent Fuqua. Photo courtesy of the artist.

Sarah: Hi Brent Fuqua!! For the last ten years, you've earned a reputation as an in-demand mandolin player, performing with groups such as The International Treasures, Mother Banjo Band, and Tony Rook, among others. Though you’re well-known for your instrumental work, I’m excited to talk with you today about your journey as a songwriter. 

In addition to just dropping a new single this month, you’re celebrating an exciting milestone: the upcoming release of your album Songwriter to digital streaming platforms for the first time since its original 2010 release. Congratulations! Do you remember the song you heard that made you want to be a songwriter? Tell us about that song.

Brent: I’m not sure really—once I started playing music I feel like I just started writing at some point. It was evident early on that I was prone to creative endeavors.

Sarah: Sometimes you just know! Was there a song that you heard as a kid that made you want to play music? 

Brent: Yes, I was listening to the music of the day a lot, and always drawn to the more acoustic stuff. When I got a hold of Neil Young’s Harvest, that whole album grabbed me hard. Then when I heard “Amie” by Pure Prairie League and that lead guitar part, it was over. Playing the acoustic guitar was going to be what I did.

Sarah: Oh YES! That riff is iconic. As is that chorus. One of those songs that instantly puts a smile on my face. Once you began writing, did you feel like a writer immediately? It took me a few years of writing before I believed it—was there a song that gave you that “a-HA! I AM a songwriter!” moment? Tell us about that song.

Brent: It was a song called “1863.” It was the first one I felt good enough to bring to the band I was playing in and they liked it. Probably a couple of years in. I actually revived it and put it on the Songwriter album.

Sarah: How long had you been writing before you wrote that song? Can you tell us anything about the inspiration behind that song?

Brent: A few years, but not a lot of writing, just here and there. I do remember that I’d started playing some hippie bluegrass with a friend, and focusing on something that would benefit us, or writing to a situation so to speak, helped me learn to listen to music like what I wanted to write. Those two things brought the craft more into focus, I suppose. As far as the lyrical inspiration, it’s hard to recall completely, but something I saw made me ponder the contrast between the modern world and how they lived in the Wild West. It was also the beginning of my tendency towards using my sense of humor. To this day, taking a lighter approach to life has been a goal for me in my songs.

Brent Fuqua. Photo courtesy of the artist.

Sarah: When you originally released Songwriter, you said of the song “No Nonsense Girl”: “As much as anything it seemed to paint a picture of a real, honest, healthy relationship.” The lyrics list your favorite qualities of a romantic partner—she enjoys Tolstoy and stupid movies, says what she means and means what she says. … Does that song still hit that way for you?

Brent: Yup, maybe even more so now. Even though it dealt with matters of the heart, it was more technically crafted—it helps me write when I step outside of the emotional inspiration to do that. As I’ve sung it over the years, though, the nuts and bolts of writing it have faded and the true meaning keeps getting deeper. That’s aided by the fact that the relationship continues to endure and get stronger.

Sarah: That sounds like a wonderful way to keep growing into a song. Or to have a song keep growing into you. What a gift!

“Everywhere I turn there is a lesson to be learned.” This lyric from your song “Presence of God” feels utterly true. In revisiting your 2010 album to prepare for the digital release, have you had any big realizations or a fresh perspective on that song? 

Brent: After being involved with Evangelical Christianity for a number of years, for various reasons I felt like I needed a fresh perspective on spirituality. In this case, I think I was reflecting on more of a Native American slant that God is in everything. As far as a fresh perspective … maybe the presentation mostly, using all acoustic stringed instruments. The best part about this, and the reason for doing it, is that I started playing mandolin and going to bluegrass festivals soon after I made that album, so I never really released it or promoted it. Then it just lay there. Finally doing something with it feels really good. And it’s very humbling that those songs are being received well.

Sarah: Oh yes, to look at your work that’s been “resting,” we’ll say, and offer it up to the world—I think that is a good, good thing. In addition to the digital release of Songwriter, you’re releasing a new single to the world, “Mississippi Rollin’”! Can you tell us about that song?

Brent: Several years ago a buddy of mine had the lifelong dream of floating on a raft down the Mississippi. He’s a pretty inspiring guy anyway but that was really cool. When I started writing for this new project, the Mississippi River part made me think of John Hartford a bit, so I tried to write it in a style that gave a nod to him. It was a great honor to have the members of Steam Machine join me on this one.

Sarah: Steam Machine! They’re incredible! Do you have any upcoming Midwest shows where we might hear you sing that song? 

Brent: I’m doing some solo shows, including my “birthday bash” at the Hook and Ladder coming up in March! And I’m getting a lot of chances to do songwriter rounds.

Sarah: Songwriter rounds feel appropriate as a way to celebrate an album named Songwriter.

Brent: No other big shows; I’ve been mainly working in the studio. The International Treasures are playing March 8 at Finnegan’s Cave so I’ll be at that, and the week before that I’ll be with Mother Banjo at MBOTMA [Minnesota Bluegrass & Old-Time Music Association] Winter Bluegrass weekend.

Sarah: Those are incredible bands you are a part of. Thank you so much, Brent, for taking the time to chat About That Song! Wishing you all the best with your rerelease!

Be sure to check out Brent Fuqua & Friends Birthday Bash & Release Party on Thursday, March 13 at Hook and Ladder Theater in Minneapolis! Doors are at 7pm and the music starts at 7:30pm. The lineup includes Mother Banjo Band, Steam Machine, The Lake Monsters & more! All proceeds benefit the Hook and Ladder.

Listen to “Mississippi Rollin’”

“Mississippi Rollin’” Single Credits

Recorded live in studio at Wild Sound with Steve Kaul

Produced by Brent Fuqua and Steve Kaul

Guest musicians: AJ Srubas, Rina Rossi, and David Robinson 

Harmonies: Adelle Hyrkas


Sarah Morris. Photo credit: Tom Smouse.

Sarah Morris is a superfan of songs and the people who write them, and a believer that certain songs can change your life. A singer-songwriter / mama / bread maker / coffee drinker who recently released her fifth album of original material, she’s been known to joyfully sing with people in her Big Green Bathroom.

Sarah Morris

Local musician and songwriter Sarah Morris is a super fan of songs and the people who write them and a believer that certain songs can change your life. A singer-songwriter-mama-bread maker-coffee drinker who recently released her 5th album of original material, Sarah has been known to joyfully sing with people in her Big Green Bathroom.


About That Song: Megan Burtt