Sister Species

Smouse in the House Podcast:

Season 3, Episode 7

Emily Kastrul of Sister Species. Photo credit: Tom Smouse, 2022.

If you close your eyes and listen to Sister Species, you’ll be able to imagine the home of Emily Kastrul – sprawling plants, DIY home improvements, the gentle give of a wood floor, and a trove of local art surrounding the home. Each song connects to the environment, such as how the Mississippi River and Emily’s backyard garden find their way into the lyrics. An emotionally intelligent songwriter, Emily discusses her process and the prominence place holds in her work. Local band Sister Species continues to avoid being placed in a genre box, and they put in the effort to support others willing to create unique, authentic music.


Hosted by Tom Smouse

Produced & Edited by Carol Roth

Web Design by Jaclyn Nott

Photography by Tom Smouse

Intro/Outro Music by Ellkaye (aka Lila Karash)

Intro/Outro Voiceover: Jaclyn Nott & Tom Smouse

Tom Smouse. Photo credit: Chris Taylor.

Tom Smouse is an innovative collaborator with 20 years of experience in the Minnesota music industry. As a professional photographer, podcaster, and music journalist, sharing stories from the community remains his core passion. When not at a show you can find him at a record store.

Tom Smouse

Tom Smouse is an innovative collaborator with 20 years of experience in the Minnesota music industry. As a professional photographer, podcaster, and music journalist, sharing stories from the community remains his core passion. When not at a show you can find him at a record store.



Tracey Blake