Samuel J. DuBois

Smouse in the House Podcast:

Season 2, Episode 7

Samuel J. DuBois. Photo credit: Tom Smouse, 2022.

Because environment heavily influences art, there is a clear through-line to his home of Prescott, Wisconsin. Growing up in a small town, feeling connected to the community, and yet wanting to move on and expand your opportunities–there's a part of everyone that can relate to Sam DuBois and his songwriting. Sam’s is an authentic voice that struggles in pursuit of his passions, a struggle many of us can all identify with and root for. I can't wait to check in with him a year from now to hear about the progression of his music, learn about the new community of musicians that support him, and witness a young talent grow into his own talented shoes.


Hosted by Tom Smouse

Produced & Edited by Carol Roth

Web Design by Jaclyn Nott

Photography by Tom Smouse

Intro/Outro Music by Ellkaye (aka Lila Karash)

Intro/Outro Voiceover: Jaclyn Nott & Tom Smouse

Tom Smouse. Photo credit: Chris Taylor.

Tom Smouse is an innovative collaborator with 20 years of experience in the Minnesota music industry. As a professional photographer, podcaster, and music journalist, sharing stories from the community remains his core passion. When not at a show you can find him at a record store.

Tom Smouse

Tom Smouse is an innovative collaborator with 20 years of experience in the Minnesota music industry. As a professional photographer, podcaster, and music journalist, sharing stories from the community remains his core passion. When not at a show you can find him at a record store.

Josh Cleveland


Jake La Botz