Charlie Parr
Smouse in the House Podcast:
Season 3, Episode 4
Tucked into the green room underneath the bustle of Turf Club in St. Paul, it’s easy to see why so many people connect to Charlie Parr. Humble, smart, and keen on life, Charlie exudes an aura of approachability and camaraderie. His love for songwriting and the creative process feels simple, but what comes out in the end is a complex wave of emotions and past memories. In this episode, we chat about two of his new songs and how grief for the loss of his father continues to influence his music. And he also shares the legacy of the Spider John Koerner guitar he received and the bond he has formed with his own historic instruments.

Hosted by Tom Smouse
Produced & Edited by Carol Roth
Web Design by Jaclyn Nott
Photography by Tom Smouse
Intro/Outro Music by Ellkaye (aka Lila Karash)
Intro/Outro Voiceover: Jaclyn Nott & Tom Smouse
Tom Smouse is an innovative collaborator with 20 years of experience in the Minnesota music industry. As a professional photographer, podcaster, and music journalist, sharing stories from the community remains his core passion. When not at a show you can find him at a record store.