Worker’s Playtime at the 331 Club featuring Blood Brother
A weekly happy hour hosted by washboardist Mikkel, featuring a different artist every time.
Mikkel Beckmen (washboard, wooden tray, and stomp box) has been a fixture on the Twin Cities scene for a number of years; some of the folks he's played with include Corpse Reviver, the Brass Kings, Charlie Parr, and Lonesome Dan Kase & the Crush Collision Trio.
Blood Brother is a Minnesota-based vocalist, multi-instrumentalist, songwriter, luthier, and inventor. He uses this specific combination of skills to simultaneously perform all of the parts of his compositions live using instruments and mechanical contraptions he has designed and built. His dynamic, sweeping voice has drawn comparisons to Thom Yorke, while the sonic texture of his music is reminiscent of Neko Case's Blacklisted, with catchy but smart arrangements that evoke The Beatles or Elliott Smith.