Josh Cleveland at Lake Harriet Bandshell for Minneapolis Music in the Parks
“Influences like Amos Lee, Martin Sexton, U2 and Eddie Vedder taught Josh Cleveland to see everyday life through the eyes of music. His joy in writing music is learning to find the gems, the memorable elements in sometimes unexpected parts of life. Whether these moments are funny, sad, profound or seemingly random, his mission is to capture something familiar and essential.
From bluesy to soul and back to authentic acoustic ballads, Josh’s voice centers the music. His ability to shift to falsetto, like a Corvette shifts gears, is effortless and smooth.” -Tom Smouse, Music in Minnesota
Since 1892, Music in the Parks has provided residents and families opportunities to gather and enjoy local entertainment throughout the summer. The program has hosted thousands of free concerts at beautiful park venues, including the Lake Harriet Bandshell, Minnehaha Park Bandstand, Father Hennepin Bluff Park, Nicollet Island Pavilion, Bryant Square Park and Theodore Wirth Regional Park. Every summer, local Minneapolis artists and bands put on a show every day for their fellow residents and neighbors. Concerts vary from classic rock, jazz, hip hop, folk, classical, concert bands, and many more genres of music to please all ears.