Worker’s Playtime at the 331 Club featuring theyself at 331 Club
A weekly happy hour hosted by washboardist Mikkel, featuring a different artist every time.
Mikkel Beckmen (washboard, wooden tray, and stomp box) has been a fixture on the Twin Cities scene for a number of years; some of the folks he's played with include Corpse Reviver, the Brass Kings, Charlie Parr, and Lonesome Dan Kase & the Crush Collision Trio.
Commonly known as ‘Doc’ Pat Dougherty is the artist and multi-instrumentalist behind theyself. Getting their start writing songs in a borrowed storage closet on the West bank of Minneapolis Doc has performed and released records with several bands including Fairfax, AK and currently Elle PF. After DIY touring the United States for a few years, Doc took a year off to write a song a week and formed the sound that led to theyself: a rootsy voice dripped in soul over a blend of blues, bluegrass, and house music.